The price of gas with a day of delivery on August 20 at Balkan Gas Hub is BGN 81.00 per MWh

Energy / Bulgaria
3E news
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The price of natural gas achieved in the segment "market day ahead" on the gas exchange in Bulgaria, "Gas Hub Balkan" with a delivery day on August 20 is BGN 81.00 per MWh / d at the time of publication of the information.

The volume of blue fuel traded in this segment is 1500 MWh / d.

The value decreased (minus) by 2.76%% compared to the registered BGN 83.30 per MWh / d with delivery day August 19, 2021 at a traded volume of 742 MWh / d.

In the segment "intraday market" for August 19, the traded amount is 960 MWh / d.

The achieved price is BGN 81.29 per MWh / d and increases by 2.90%% compared to the value of BGN 79.00 per MWh / d and a traded volume of 50 MWh / d within the trade on August 18.

The reference price is BGN 81.00 per MWh / d.

From the data on the website of the Bulgarian Energy Trading Platform (BETP) it is clear that in the segment "day ahead" with a delivery day of August 20 at the time of publication of the information there is no data on the traded quantity.

In the trading "within the day" for August 19 a traded volume of 2800 MWh was reported at a price of BGN 80.24 per MWh - a decrease of 2.66% compared to BGN 82.43 per MWh on August 18.

As of August 20, the number of concluded transactions increased to 270, and the traded amount reached 679,271 MWh.

September futures for ICE TTF gas at the time of publication of the information decreased to EUR 40,973 per MWh - a decrease of 9.717%% compared to the value at the close of the previous session



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