President Radev before the unions: A way is being sought for TPP Maritsa East 2 to continue to operate after July 1

President Rumen Radev discussed with the unions the problems in the energy sector and the future of the Maritsa East complex. At the meeting it became clear that the caretaker Minister of Energy will propose a solution so that TPP Maritsa East 2 can continue to operate after July 1: "He will propose a short-term solution so that the plant - TPP Maritza 2 will continue to operate. works after July 1. This has another price, however. You know the cost of the social tolerance of this decision and the Ministry of Energy is working hard to find a long-term solution. We cannot run away from the need for this transition and decarbonisation, "Radev said.
"I have always welcomed your struggle to defend this interest, but I expected more activity last year, especially before December. Then, at the Council of the EU, the former prime minister adopted a package of 55% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. The EU's ambitions for decarbonisation have increased dramatically - from minus 40 to minus 55%, without clear and adequate measures to support Bulgaria. And we are the most affected country ", added Radev.
"I have blocked the decision of the EU Council, but we cannot block indefinitely. We must make every effort, "Radev said. The head of state reminded that energy is also a topic of the Recovery and Sustainability Plan." Various proposals are being reviewed so that a sustainable and irreversible solution is sought in the future. We cannot block this process. "Let's run away from the need for transition and decarbonisation. There are social problems and they must be protected, but the transition cannot be blocked," he said.
"We need to look for rational solutions quickly, because people are waiting for clarity. These are thousands of human destinies and they should be in our focus, but let's take an example from other countries how they make a successful effective transformation, "the president called.
The CITUB leader Plamen Dimitrov explained during the meeting "In less than a few weeks, TPP Maritsa East 2 is threatened to stop. The picture was similar last year. The intentions we heard from Minister Zhivkov - for one million megawatt hours for the regulatory period - actually mean that TPP 2 will operate on less than one unit, half a unit - 110 or 120 megawatts on average per month, which immediately raises the question of what happens to the whole complex. . We all realize that we cannot demand responsibility from the caretaker government in any way here. This is unfinished business in the past. "
"Thank you for this meeting and for your quick and timely response. This process, as unpleasant as it is, is irreversible. The pressure that we see from the EC that it was carried out with ferocity and is accompanied by a huge resource of measures will not stop, "said during the meeting the President of CITUB Plamen Dimitrov.
"Until now, there has been no commitment from the state. For 3 years we have been insisting on a 5-year compensation plan. There is no such so far. There is not even r for 6 months. From this point of view, we fully share the concern that the lack of solutions has led us to this extremely critical situation, "he added.