The profit of Kozloduy NPP reached BGN 138 million for the first quarter of the year

Energy / Bulgaria
3E news
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Kozloduy NPP continues to improve its financial condition and for the first quarter of 2021 the net profit reached BGN 138 million. Thus, the financial result of the company improved by another 9.5 percent compared to the first quarter of last year, according to the financial report of the company. First Nuclear Power Plant managed to increase by 9 percent its operating revenues from the sale of electricity and they reached over BGN 382 million. Revenues from sales at regulated prices decreased by -24.3% for the reporting 2021, compared to the same period of the previous 2020. Growth is reported in the revenues from electricity sales on the unregulated market by 18.1%, mainly as a result of higher prices on the market "Day ahead", where most of the produced electricity, supplemented by the First Nuclear Power Plant.

The expenses of the Company for operational activity in the first quarter of 2021 amount to BGN 233 million and are 7.8% above the level reported for the previous year.

At the beginning of this year, the financial result of Kozloduy NPP was a profit of BGN 126.3 million. Whether this is the company's profit for 2020 will become clear after the official data for the whole of last year are published.

In the first quarter of 2021, the company maintained a stable financial position despite the ongoing pandemic of the COVID-19 virus. The implementation of the safe operation of the nuclear power units, the implementation of the investment projects to ensure the long-term operation of Units 5 and 6 over their design resource in the next 30 years and the implementation of technically justified measures ensuring the operation of the units at increased capacity was financially secured with own funds, explained in their report from Kozloduy NPP.

Electricity production

In the first quarter of 2021 the produced electricity amounted to 4.5 million MWh, which is -3.5% (-164,171 MWh) less than in the first quarter of 2020. EWRC prices of the determined monthly quantities, including delivery for NEK SHPP, decreased by 25.3% compared to the first quarter of 2020. As a result, there was an increase in sales on the free market for the first quarter by 6.5% compared to the same period a year earlier.

In the first quarter of 2021 the plant produced 78 363 MWh of heat, which is 13.5% more than produced in the same period in 2020. The total amount of invoiced heat is 36 460 MWh, which is 2 182 MWh (6, 4% growth) over the amount of heat in the first three months of 2020. The realized revenues from this activity are for BGN 1.5 million.

Kozloduy NPP also invested BGN 11 million in the first three months of the year in activities under its investment program. The company has allocated nearly BGN 13 million for its repair program for the first three months of the year.



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