Parliament: The last coal-fired thermal power plant in our country will stop on December 31, 2038, which will be before that remains unclear
The role of energy efficiency is underestimated as a factor for better energy balance and clean transition
Ivaylo Naydenov: The creation of an industrial strategy will also give the direction for energy development
What are the innovations and can there be secure and fast payments? The DIGI PAY 2023 conference provides the answers today
The protests of miners and energy workers continue, but today there will be a meeting with the government and MPs
The state adopted a Just Transition Plan. Thermal power plants will not be closed, but "will be phased out for economic reasons" in the years to come
The Committee on Energy declared against a proposal of the BSP that the government change the RSP in the energy part
Contracts concluded for compensating RES energy producers with a premium will be considered amended after the entry into force of new legal texts
Lukoil: Premature refusal to import Russian oil threatens the stability of the refinery's work and creates risks in the fuel market