Radev: Sustainable development requires an effective mechanism for ensuring global security, promoting dialogue and multilateral diplomacy

Икономика / България
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Sustainable development can only be achieved through an effective global security mechanism that promotes dialogue and multilateral diplomacy, President Rumen Radev said in his speech at the high-level political forum dedicated to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, which is being held under the auspices of the UN General Assembly, said the government press office. The head of state stressed that the steady increase in defence budgets is an indicator of a deteriorating security environment and increasing mistrust.

The pursuit of technological excellence aimed at political domination leads to the encapsulation of science within narrow geographical boundaries, while fostering scientific emigration, creating a technological gap between countries, the president said. In his words, this calls for support for the so-called "open science" approach and scientific convergence between countries.

According to the president, sustainable development requires global consensus against cross-border corruption, money laundering and tax evasion.

Economic development, social cohesion and the fight against climate change are at the heart of the debate on sustainable development. For its success, however, it is equally important to follow a comprehensive approach that uses a variety of tools, from political to cultural, the president said. If cultural differences are not properly understood and perceived as natural rights, they would give rise to a number of threats such as religious extremism and terrorism, President Radev said in his statement at the forum.

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