Minister Radev: Guaranteeing affordable, secure and sustainable energy for all consumers is a main goal in our work

The long-term goals were presented, but not how the problems of the coal regions would be solved

Energy / Bulgaria
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Guaranteeing affordable, secure and sustainable energy for all consumers - this is the main goal in the work of the Ministry of Energy team both during the past nine-month period and in the future. For the implementation of this goal, we will continue our active efforts to complete the project for the energy strategy of the country until 2030, with a horizon until 2050, in sync with the update of the Integrated Energy and Climate Plan, as well as the reform for the liberalization of the wholesale electricity market – carefully and with a clear understanding of sequence. This was said by the resigned Minister of Energy Rumen Radev, presenting the main priorities in the work of the Ministry of Energy in the coming months. Today, March 8, 2024, the Council of Ministers reported on what has been done so far and outlined the main tasks in its activities until the end of its mandate, the Ministry of Energy recalled.

A major challenge in the Ministry of Energy's activities will also be maintaining the determination and pace of work on the development of projects for new nuclear and balancing hydropower capacities, as well as the development of the transmission infrastructure.

These are the major strategic projects in the activity of the Ministry of Energy and the efforts for their successful implementation will continue, Minister Radev concluded.

During the report, the topic of the transition of the coal regions was barely touched upon. At the end of October, the government signed an agreement with unions and miners due to the upcoming drastic changes in the coal energy sector. Until now, however, there is no more clarity on exactly how over 40% of the energy sector in our country will be transformed.




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