A second earthquake in Romania, about 5.8 on the Richter scale, was also felt in Bulgaria. The advice of the Ministry of the Interior and the National Academy of Sciences in the event of an earthquake

On the territory of our country, the most dangerous seismic zones with a possible maximum magnitude of 7 on the Richter scale are five

Climate / Ecology
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A strong earthquake in Romania was also felt in Bulgaria. The earthquake had a magnitude of 5.5 on the Richter scale, the European Seismological Center reported. According to data from the National Seismological Center at the National Institute of Geophysics - BAS, the earthquake had a magnitude of about 5.8 on the Richter scale, and its epicenter was in the area of the town of Targu Jiu, about 270 km from Sofia.

There are no reports of injured people or material damage caused by the earthquake, which was felt on Bulgarian territory, the Ministry of the Interior announced. On February 13, a strong earthquake was also recorded in our northern neighbor. Its magnitude was 5.2 on the Richter scale and was also felt in Serbia.

On the territory of our country, the most dangerous seismic zones with a possible maximum magnitude of 7 on the Richter scale are five: Kresne, Plovdiv, Sofia, Gornooryakhov and Shablen. This is stated in a report of the Ministry of the Interior, developed by the experts at the National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography - BAS, Darik Radio reported.

"An earthquake is a natural disaster that cannot be predicted. Its duration is not long, but the consequences are severe".

The Ministry of the Interior and the BAS also provide useful information to people about preventive actions in the event of an earthquake.

Actions during a seismic calm period: At home, you should have, placed in a convenient place, a flashlight, a bag for documents and especially valuable items, a first-aid kit with the medicines you need, warm clothes, a reserve of food and water.

Secure furniture at home securely and do not place heavy, easy-to-fall items in high places. Store flammable substances and poisons in tightly closed containers.

Leave the entrance to the home free and do not block it with objects. Think and determine the safest place in your home. Keep in mind that balconies, exterior walls, stairways and elevators are the most dangerous during an earthquake.

Prepare a family action plan. Designate a contact person for family members who are outside your region.

Actions upon feeling the first tremor:

You must not leave the building you are in. Only do it if you think you can get outside for about 10 seconds.

Take the safest place in the building - under the door frame /depending on the type of building structure/, near an internal /supporting/ wall, column, under a stable table or bed.

Strong earthquake in Romania

After the first vibrations, the swing will intensify, keep your composure and do not run to the elevators and stairs. If you are shaken while behind the wheel, pull over in an open, safe place and wait.

In public transport, it is better to wait for the end of the shaking in the vehicle. If you are on the street, stay away from buildings and power lines.

Actions after passing the first tremor:

Turn off the electricity, gas and water. Take the prepared luggage and quickly leave the building.

Take the stairs, don't use the elevator. Give priority to mothers with children and the elderly.

After exiting the building, move away to an open area, at least a distance equal to the height of the nearest building.

Do not stand under power lines, electric, tram and trolleybus networks. Give first aid if there are casualties around you.

Mark the places where there are crowded people. Please help if possible.

Follow the information that will be broadcast on mass media and local radio stations.

Follow the instructions of the authorities of the General Directorate "Fire Safety and Protection of the Population" - the Ministry of the Interior, the police and other competent authorities. Respect public order.

Actions after the earthquake:

Wait for the broadcast of information about the subsidence of the earthquakes and the past hazard.

You can enter your home only after a basic inspection of the building and an inspection made by the competent authorities.

Do not overload the phone lines with unnecessary calls, briefly inform your loved ones that you are alive and well.

Observe personal hygiene and do not drink water from untested sources.

Crime increases during disasters, be careful, protect your property and report any irregularities.

