The price of gas with a delivery day on September 7 at Balkan Gas Hub is 94.83 euros per MWh

Energy / Bulgaria
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The price of natural gas achieved in the segment "market day ahead" on the gas exchange in Bulgaria, "Gas Hub Balkan" with a delivery day on September 7 increases to - BGN 94.83 per MWh / d at the time of publication of the information.

The volume of blue fuel traded in this segment is 6,203 MWh / d.

The value increases (plus) by 1.50%% compared to the registered BGN 93.43 per MWh / d with delivery day September 6, 2021 at a traded volume of 5,263 MWh / d.

In the segment "intraday market" for September 6, the amount traded was 610 MWh / d.

The achieved price is BGN 92.83 per MWh / d - an increase of 1.50% compared to the value of BGN 91.46 per MWh / d and a traded volume of 606 MWh / d within the trade on September 5.

The reference price is 93.37 euros per MWh.

From the data on the page of the Bulgarian Energy Trading Platform (BETP) in the segment "day ahead" with delivery day September 7 at the time of publication of the information there is no data on the traded quantity.

The last transaction in this segment has a delivery day of September 6 with a traded volume of 6,000.00 MWh and a price of BGN 93.67 per MWh with an increase of 2.93% compared to the traded 4,500.00 MWh at a price of BGN 91.00 per MWh for September 5.

In the intraday trading for September 6 a traded volume of 2,700.00 MWh was reported at a price of BGN 91.26 per MWh - an increase of 0.62% compared to the achieved BGN 90.70 per MWh on 5.09 and a traded volume of 4,700.00 MWh.

As of September 6, the number of concluded deals increased to 579, and the traded amount reached 1,043,846 MWh.

The price of the October futures of the TTF spot index on the ICE Futures exchange increased - by 2.116% to 52,595 euros per MWh at the time of publication. Earlier in trading, the value rose to 53.68 euros per MWh, a few hours later it fell to 51.45 euros per MWh from 53.4 euros per MWh.



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