Decrease by 20.4%: The energy exchange closed at a base energy price of BGN 273.99 per MWh with a delivery day of November 6, 2021

Energy / Bulgaria
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The energy exchange within the trading in the segment "market day ahead" closed at a price for basic energy (1 - 24 hours) of BGN 273.99 per MWh and a quantity of 78 956.80 MWh with a delivery day November 6, 2021, according to data from trade. This represents a decrease of 20.4% compared to the closing price of the previous trade.

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The price of the peak energy (9-20 hours) is BGN 302.12 per MWh, with a quantity of 41 106.20 MWh.

The off-peak energy (37 850.60 MWh) is at a price of BGN 245.86 per MWh (1-8; 21-24 hours).

The exchange started at an average price of BGN 236.7 per MWh and a quantity of 3368.4 MWh.

At 04-05 the lowest value of BGN 190.9 per MWh was reported with a quantity of 2928.8 - 2913 MWh.

The highest price of electricity traded in the segment "market day ahead" was achieved at 6 pm - BGN 428.36 per MWh with a quantity of 334.6 MWh.

In 24 hours the price of traded electricity in this segment is BGN 233.63 per MWh with a quantity of 3030.5 MWh.

Compared to the value of BGN 344.40 per MWh or EUR 176.09 per MWh for November 5, 2021, the price of traded electricity with a delivery day on November 6 decreases to EUR 140.09 per MWh (down 20.4%), according to, or BGN 273.99 per MWh according to IBEX data.

For trading in the market segment "within the day" on November 5, 2021 the total traded volume at the time of publication of the information is 1 384.50 MWh at a weighted average daily price of BGN 323.64 per MWh.

At the time of publication of the information, the operational data of the Electricity System Operator (ESO) of Bulgaria on generation and cargo, which do not reflect trade, as well as energy exchanges under ENTSO-E indicate that the system involves (MW):

Name MW

NPP 34.17% 2155.98

Condensing thermal power plants 45.51% 2871.28

District heating plants 5.05% 318.54

Factory TPP 2.14% 135.18

HPP 1.25% 78.62

Small HPPs 1.06% 67.19

WPP 4.61% 290.9

PVP 5.79% 365.08

Bio PP 0.42% 26.25

Load of RB 4292.3



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