The state begins an inventory of stocks in the "Lukoil Neftohim Burgas" refinery

Energy / Bulgaria
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In the following days, a physical inventory of the stocks in "Lukoil" is to be carried out. Acting Prime Minister Dimitar Glavchev announced this at the beginning of today's government meeting.

The Prime Minister informed about a special meeting held yesterday between him, the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Internal Affairs, the Minister of Economy and the heads of the National Revenue Agency and the Customs Agency, at which it was decided to take stock inventory in the coming days in "Lukoil". Such an inventory has not been done so far, said Glavchev and added that the media will be notified of its results.

The heads of the National Revenue Agency and the Customs Agency announced yesterday at the meeting that for February the revenues from VAT and customs duties from Lukoil were BGN 90 million, for March - BGN 40 million, and for April - BGN 228 million.

The derogation (exception) for importing oil of Russian origin, which Bulgaria received from the EU, ended on March 1, 2024, instead of at the end of the year, which was the permissible period, recalls BTA.

A month ago, on April 4, the National Assembly voted to create a temporary commission related to the derogation used by Lukoil Neftohim.

On April 23, the chairman of the Power System Security Fund, Dian Chervenkondev, told the deputies of the so-called Lukoil parliamentary committee that from December 2023 to March 2024, the Fund received BGN 112,782,187 in compensation for the processing of Russian petrol.

The import of Russian oil has been stopped, and in December this import was with "dampening features". The money collected this year is from compensations for processed Russian oil located in tax warehouses, Chervenkondev specified.

With the entry into force in November 2023 of the Law on Compensation of Consumer Transportation Costs, persons who produce petroleum products from crude oil originating in Russia or exported from Russia are obliged to make monthly contributions to compensate consumers for transportation costs. transport. The amount of the monthly contribution is determined by the Minister of Economy and Industry by the 15th of the current month according to the formula, according to Art. 4, para. 1 of the law.

In the first half of February this year former Minister of Economy Bogdan Bogdanov announced during a joint meeting of the parliamentary economic and energy committees that the contribution for December that "Lukoil" must make is BGN 69.9 million. At the moment, the amount that has been contributed to the fund is less, the minister said then. At the same meeting, Alexander Velichkov, Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the "Lukoil Neftohim Burgas" refinery, announced that "Lukoil (Neftohim Burgas AD)" is appealing to the court the formula by which the Ministry of Economy determines the contribution it must make to the budget, according to the Act on the Compensation of Transport Consumer Expenses".

On February 9, the Supreme Administrative Court rejected the request of "Lukoil Neftohim Burgas" JSC to suspend the execution of an order of the Minister of Economy and Industry related to the Law on compensation of the costs of transport users - an order to determine the monthly contribution.

On April 25 of this year People's Representative and Chairman of the Committee on Budget and Finance in the National Assembly, Yordan Tsonev, told the Lukoil parliamentary committee that the contributions of the obliged persons, according to the Law on compensation of the costs of transport users for the months - from February to September 2023, would be 637 826,114 BGN. This would have happened if the contributions had been collected during the implementation of the law since its promulgation in issue 7 of the State Gazette in January 2023, Tsonev added at the time. Contributions are from oil refiners originating in Russia. The data is from the Ministry of Economy and was received in the department by the "Customs" agency, explained the MP from the DPS.



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