MRDPW provides a complete report on all payments for the construction of the Railway Tunnel

Industry / Bulgaria
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The Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works provides a complete report on all payments for the implementation of the "Zheleznitsa" tunnel on the "Struma" AM.

The facility was put into operation at the beginning of March 2024 after the completion of the strengthening activities of the activated landslides in the area.

There was no report of irregularities in the construction of the tunnel related to financial abuses in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. According to API data, such a thing did not occur in the agency either.

We categorically oppose the circulated false facts and suggestions about the lack of information about the construction of the "Struma" highway Lot 3.1, separate position No. 2 - the "Zheleznitsa" tunnel.

The site has been worked on over the years on the basis of a technical project in compliance with the principles of the conceptual project prepared. In this regard, the construction documentation for sub-section #2 from km 366+720 to km 369+000, including the service tunnel road at the southern portal of the Railway tunnel and the helicopter pad does not include a working design.

According to the contract, the completed construction and installation activities are paid for on the basis of a certificate for completed CMR.

With the aim of full transparency of the spending of public funds, we provide a report on the financial performance of the contract over the years - with the dates of the certificates for completed SMP, dates of invoices, dates of payment, as well as what payments were made during the entire period of tunnel construction " Railway" on AM "Struma".



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