"Bulgartransgaz" EAD launched a market test to search for capacity at interconnection points

Energy / Bulgaria
3E news
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Photo source: Marinela Arabadzhieva / 3eNews

"Bulgartransgaz" EAD launched a market test to search for capacity at interconnection points. This was announced today by the gas operator, in fulfillment of the requirements of Art. 26 of Regulation (EU) 2017/459 establishing a Network Code regarding capacity allocation mechanisms in gas transmission systems (CAM NC), "Bulgartransgaz" EAD launched a market test to assess the demand for additional capacity at interconnection points.

"Bulgartransgaz" EAD informs the current and potential users of the gas transmission network about the possibility to submit their non-binding forecasts for the search for additional capacity at the interconnection points.

The results will show the interest of market participants in transporting additional quantities of natural gas through the Bulgartransgaz EAD network.

The information should be submitted within eight weeks of the start of the annual auction for annual capacity products, i.e. until August 28, 2023

"Bulgartransgaz" EAD waives the opportunity to introduce a fee for evaluating and processing non-binding demand forecasts in order to facilitate market participants to the maximum extent.

The completed and signed Forms for the submission of non-binding forecasts for the demand for additional capacity should be sent electronically to: info@bulgartransgaz.bg

In accordance with the requirements of the Regulation, transmission system operators will publish their joint Market Demand Assessment Reports within 16 weeks of the start of the annual capacity auction (by 23 October 2023).

Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/459 establishing a Network Code on capacity allocation mechanisms in gas transmission systems can be found here.



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