An expert pointed out which is the only industry turning solar energy into real money and appealed for its prioritization

5th annual forum "Responsible producers" took place in the capital's Inter Expo Center

Industry / Bulgaria
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Photo: Iva Ivanova / 3eNews

"If anyone ever thought that manipulations with quasi-values, with financial capital and other types of economic interactions could solve global problems, it is now clear that they cannot. Without a base, without a secured food chain - powerful agrarian production is impossible It's the only industry that makes solar energy real money." This was stated by the chairman of the State Agency for Commodity Exchanges and Markets, Vladimir Ivanov, in the opening panel of the 5th annual "Responsible Producers" forum, which took place in the capital's Inter Expo Center.

The head of the DKSBT is categorical: "The state must be responsible" and referring to the development of the agrarian sector commented: "We had good strategic planning for the agrarian sector and I don't know why we managed to destroy it". According to him, the agrarian reform took place in an ugly way in our country.

According to him, what we need to do is to develop the agricultural sector if we want prosperity and he recommended prioritizing this sector.

There is a lack of equality - on the one hand, we have powerful commercial capital that has taken over the niches, and on the other - suppliers that are fragmented, tiny, with weak capital capabilities, noted the expert and indicated the solution: "The consolidation of these structures is the solution to get a normal collision".

Ivanov emphasized the important role of branch organizations and pointed out that in the Netherlands self-control in the branch is many times better than the one that the state could exercise without force. "Everything is desirable and a consequence of efficiency and awareness," he stressed, convinced that this is the path to prosperity.

The impression that branch organizations are neglected in our country was shared by Kiril Vatev, founder and partner in "Tandem-V" OOD. According to him, now no branch organization has the necessary weight. For a branch organization to have sufficient weight, it means "that the authorities listen to you and help you solve the problems", he stressed.

In the discussion, the current topics about the necessary support from the state to the producers, about the influence of climate changes and geopolitical processes, about food, inflation, as well as the new price policy measures were discussed. Nestlé presented the new concept that the company is starting to develop globally - the so-called regenerative agriculture. "Every day we hear about climate change - we have droughts, heavy rains. 50 years ago we thought that resources were inexhaustible, but the consequences are starting to appear quite quickly - in 50 years we destroyed 70% of biodiversity, every year we lose 50 billion. trees," pointed out Ivanka Stoinich, "Sustainability" manager for "Nestle" Southeast Market.

All participants in the panel dedicated to food security and food availability were united around the thesis that climate change is happening before our eyes and we must quickly adapt to it, while at the same time finding and implementing solutions to avoid future food crisis, summarized "Manager" magazine - organizer of the forum.



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