Counter-Corruption Commission Ascertains Conflict of Interest in Respect of Three Senior Public Office Holders

Energy / Bulgaria
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Bulgaria's Counter-Corruption and Unlawfully Acquired Assets Forfeiture Commission (CCUAAFC) said on Wednesday that it had ascertained a conflict of interest in respect of three senior public office holders.

Peter Iliev, member of the Board of Directors of the Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD and Executive Director of the National Electric Company (NEK) EAD, made it possible for himself to draw a supplementary remuneration under his NEK EAD management contract when he voted for the adoption of NEK's 2017 and 2018 annual financial statements and a report on the implementation of the company's business plan, which allowed the payment of supplementary remunerations to members of management.

Kolyo Dinkov, in his previous capacity as Rector of the University of Food Technologies-Plovdiv, appointed himself a project leader under an operational programme, for which he drew remunerations.

Tsvetomira Doncheva, in her former capacity as Director of the Shoumen Regional Inspectorate of Environment and Water (RIEW), endorsed requirements for holding a competition for the office of RIEW director in such a way that she herself met the conditions.

At its meeting on Wednesday, the CCUAAFC instituted proceedings for the ascertainment of a conflict of interest against the Director of the Sofia Regional Health Insurance Find, acting on an alert that her husband works at the same place and has been appointed as part of her subordinate staff.

Source: BTA



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