The energy exchange closed at a base energy price of BGN 184.71 per MWh with a delivery day of June 28, 2021

Energy / Bulgaria
3E news
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The energy exchange within the market "market day ahead" closed at a price for basic energy (1 - 24 hours) of BGN 184.71 per MWh and a quantity of 68,526.90 MWh with a delivery day of June 28, 2021, according to trading data.

The price of peak energy (9-20 hours) is BGN 207.60 per MWh, with a quantity of 37,220.60 MWh.

The off-peak energy (31 306.20) is at a price of BGN 161.82 per MWh (1-8; 21-24 hours).

The exchange starts at an average price of BGN 140.14 per MWh and a quantity of 2527.22 MWh.

The highest price of electricity traded in the segment "market day ahead" was achieved at 22:00 - BGN 250.24 per MWh and a quantity of 2779.4 MWh.

In 24 hours the price of traded electricity in this segment is BGN 226.07 per MWh, with a quantity of 2676.9 MWh.

Compared to the value of BGN 130.08 per MWh or EUR 66.51 per MWh for June 27, 2021, the price of traded electricity with a delivery day on June 28 increases to EUR 94.44 per MWh (an increase of 42.0%), according to, or BGN 184.71 per MWh according to IBEX data.

For trading in the market segment "Within the day" on June 27, 2021 the total traded volume at the time of publication of the information is 2 218.50 MWh at a weighted average daily price of BGN 115.06 per MWh.

At the time of publication of the information, the operational data of the Electricity System Operator (ESO) of Bulgaria on generation and cargo, which do not reflect trade, as well as energy exchanges under ENTSO-E indicate that the system involves (MW):

NPP with a capacity of 2082 MW or 43.14%

Condensing thermal power plants with 1032 MW or 21.38%,

District heating plants with 205 MW or 4.25%,

Factory thermal power plants - 171 MW or 3.54%,

HPP - 471 MW or 9.76%

Small hydropower plants - 267 MW or 5.53%

Wind power plants - 22 MW and 0.46 percent respectively

Photovoltaic power plants - 544 MW or 11.27%

Bio TPP - 32 MW or 0.66%.

The load of the country at the time of publication is 3903 MW.

The CO2 intensity is 226 g (gCO₂eq / kWh) at the time of publication.



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