The Energy Committee of the Parliament proposes a postponement of the wholesale electricity market for one year
Reshuffles at the top of the state energy sector: Directors have been replaced at Mini "Maritsa East", NEC, NPP "Kozloduy - New Powers"
Westinghouse expands its chain of main suppliers from Bulgaria for AP1000® technology with the signing of 17 memorandums
President in Vilnius: Improving energy, transport and digital connectivity along the North-South axis must remain a priority to strengthen cohesion across the EU
ESO hosts the annual meeting of the Regional Coordination Center for the Security of Electricity Transmission Operators in South-Eastern Europe
The Board of Directors of Bulgartransgaz EAD elected Kiril Ravnachki as the executive director of the company
Who is Vladimir Malinov? The face of "Bulgartransgaz", which proved that the projects and new gas supply routes are already happening
The deputies created three temporary committees - on the facts surrounding Turk Stream, the derogation for Lukoil and corrupt practices in the Customs Agency
Borisov: The profit from "Balkan Stream" is over BGN 1.3 billion, the project is a huge contribution to our country
The methodology for determining the prices of balancing energy should prevent the illegal behavior of commercial participants
Another bomb for the price of electricity is ticking! State mines plan to increase the price of the finished product by 30%