Experts: New IBEX products and long-term contracts will provide a more stable and promising vision of the energy market
The state adopted a Just Transition Plan. Thermal power plants will not be closed, but "will be phased out for economic reasons" in the years to come
The Committee on Energy declared against a proposal of the BSP that the government change the RSP in the energy part
Contracts concluded for compensating RES energy producers with a premium will be considered amended after the entry into force of new legal texts
The Minister of Finance: At the beginning of October, we will submit the implemented reforms to receive the second payment under the NRSP
Deputy Minister Shotev: Legislative changes should not lead to higher prices for new cars or increase second-hand cars
Minister Stoycheva and representatives of Arizona State University discussed cooperation in the field of microelectronics industry
Lukoil: Premature refusal to import Russian oil threatens the stability of the refinery's work and creates risks in the fuel market
In Mobility Week: After 20 years of planning, Bulgaria and Romania decided to build a third bridge over the Danube
The Ecominister discussed cooperation and the development of the hydrogen economy with the Egyptian RES delegation