Already 45% of all administrative services are available online, said the Minister of e-Government, Georgi Todorov

No personal data was leaked in the hacker attack against the Employment Agency, he added

Industry / Bulgaria
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Photo: BNT

There was no leakage of personal data in the hacker attack against the Employment Agency, the acting minister of e-governance Georgi Todorov announced in "The Day Begins" on BNT. The attack took place in the late hours of Sunday, he added. Investigative actions are ongoing, in which GDBOP and DANS are involved. Minister Todorov refused to indicate where the attack came from so as not to interfere with the investigation.

"Many of the arrays of the Employment Agency have been affected. Actions have been taken to protect all information so that nothing is lost and the agency's activities are restored. We have ensured that all information is restored. The entire structure of the Employment Agency has been uploaded to the state cloud. There is no leakage of personal data in the hacker attack," he pointed out.

The Ministry of Electronic Government will make every effort to ensure fair and transparent elections, as it did in the vote in October, assured Todorov.

There are probably parties and political entities that are not happy with their results and are looking for reasons in the machine vote, but we have made them fair and transparent. Proof of this is that no party contested the election results," he pointed out.

Already 45% of all administrative services are available online - that's more than 1400 services are available online through the portal.

"We can register there in about a minute, and if we have a suitable means of identification, such as a qualified e-signature or PIK of the National Institute of Public Health or National Health Service, we can use these services, and request and pay for them through an e-terminal.

As of today, a new service is being introduced - verification of all tax obligations.

"In addition to checking them online, we can calculate the accrued interest or discounts and, if we decide, we can pay them. Starting tomorrow, we will join nearly 200 municipalities, and at later stages through it will be used to pay debts to Customs, the National Insurance Agency, the Traffic Bureau and API", said Minister Todorov on BNT.



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